July 12, 2003

Minutes of Regular Meeting of the Dallas Chapter, TXSSAR


The meeting was called to order at 8:00 AM at Crown Plaza Suites-Dallas Park Central (7800 Alpha Road Dallas, Texas) by Chapter President, Jack Carney, who welcomed the 35 attending members and 10 guests. Chaplain Frank Pounders offered an inspiring Invocation after reporting that no members were on "sick-call."

Pledges of Allegiance to the United States Flag, the Texas State Flag and salute to the SAR Flag were respectively led by Compatriots: Harry Post, Dick Arnold and Martin Lyford; after which, FCP Gary Sisson led the attendees in singing America. Acting Sergeant-at-Arms, Tom Whitelock, thanked David Hill for helping set up the flags this morning and then proceeded to call the members to the breakfast line.

The regular business meeting resumed at 8:37 AM when Head Greeter for the day, Ralph McDowell, introduced Compatriots Richard Fawkes, Jim Templin and (newly appointed Head Greeter) Glenn Toal as fellow greeters. A strong welcome applause was given to this morning's guests : Henrietta Slagle (DAR), Jim Blake, Judy McCoy (DAR), Sarah Carney (DAR), Montye Whitelock, Brad Ingalls (former Dal Chp), Beverly Lyford, Ashley Clark and Barbara Baker (who was introduced twice for good measure).

A very informative Americanism program on our First Anniversary of Independence was presented by FCP Ralph McDowell. Resident humorist, FCP Art Ingalls, then "took flight" with what airlines really mean when you get their pre-flight instructions.

The Secretary's Minutes (having been distributed and posted on the web site) were approved by Cliff Slagle's motion, Frank Pounder's second and voice vote. Tom Smith's Treasurer's report reflected that cash and checking balances totaled $ 3358.40 and that the new sum for the Minuteman ($8178.73) and Smith Richie Fund ($27,098.66) is $35,277.39. The report was approved by voice vote.

DAR Liaison, John Warterfield, reminded the Compatriots that the annual Constitutional Week Brunch will be held September 20, 2003 (10:00 AM till noon) at the Oak Cliff Country Club, and the Guest Speaker will be our own chapter member Lloyd Bockstruck.

Chapter Registrar, Mel McCoy, reported that we've had one reinstated member during the month, and our total membership stands at 295. He also noted that we have six new memberships and four supplementals pending. He then called forward Compatriot James Templin to present him with Supplemental Patriot Certificates for ancestors Nicholas Counts, Noble Keith & Amos Hurley.

President Carney asked Charles Baker to report on the various Fourth of July activities that Chapter members participated in. Charles said that he first wanted to thank the 17 men that were at the Valley View Mall Flag Day event and that we had gotten great television coverage that day. In fact, Compatriot Baker made a video presentation and said he had tapes of the ceremonies for sale after the meeting. He continued with his report, noting that Chapter representatives in military and colonial attire also marched in the Lake Highlands and Highland Park Parades on the 4th. President Carney acknowledged the receipt of an Award Plaque from Valley View Mall Association for the entertaining historical flag presentation.

FCP Cliff Slagle next reported on the recent National Convention. The Dallas Chapter won first place in two categories: "The Liberty Bell Americanism Award" (due to the extensive verification presented in our 2002 Yearbook) and "The SS Stark Memorial Award" for aid to and participa- tion in Veteran's Affairs. He presented the winning certificates to President Carney and Ribbons to Charles Baker for attaching to our marching flags. Compatriot Sisson mentioned that since one of the Ribbons was missing a digit on the year date it must mean that "we've won the award every year since its inception." Cliff encouraged all members to record their participation for this year on the forms he left at the registration table.

The Guest Speaker (Dallas Sheriff Jim Bowles) was introduced by President Carney. The Sheriff enlightened the audience with a common-interest topic on The Constitution of the United States. "Shooting from the hip" he delivered both a very informative and humorous insight to the First and Fourteenth Amendments with particular emphasis on equal protection and due process clauses. After his well-received speech he was presented with the Guest Speaker Certificate and a replica of the Liberty Bell.

FCP Cliff Slagle stated that Dallas has been selected to "Host" the 2006 National SAR Convention and to not forget that we also host the TXSSAR State Conference in 2004. Compatriot McDowell read the thank you letter from the daughter of deceased former Compatriot Charles Bowling.

The day's "Door Prize" winners were Sarah Carney, Montye Whitelock and (perpetual) Art Ingalls.

Compatriot Bert Huls led the membership in the SAR Closing and prior to the meeting's adjournment at 9:30AM, Chaplain Frank Pounders gave the Benediction.

Respectfully submitted,

Tom M. Whitelock

Secretary, Dallas Chapter