October 11, 2003
Minutes of Regular Meeting of the Dallas Chapter, TXSSAR

The meeting was called to order at 8:00 AM sharp at Crown Plaza Suites-Dallas Park Central (7800 Alpha Road Dallas, Texas) by Chapter President, Jack Carney. Chaplain Frank Pounders reported that former Compatriot Billy Wolfe had recently passed away and no active member is currently on the "sick-call" list. He then proceeded to give the Invocation for the day.

Pledges of Allegiance to the United States Flag, the Texas State Flag and salute to the SAR Flag were respectively led by Compatriots: Ralph McDowell, Tracy Pounders and David Hill; after which, 1st VP Tracy Pounders led the attendees in singing America. Acting Sergeant-at-Arms, John Warterfield, announced breakfast was now being served and that all should be aware of the amassed TX-OU fans crowded in the lobby.

The regular business meeting resumed at 8:30 AM when Head Greeter Glenn Toal introduced Rick Fawkes as his fellow greeter for the morning. Our twelve guests were next introduced followed by an introduction of Darlene Neuhaus of American Revolutionary Uniforms. She emphasized the importance of more of our members appearing in uniform and invited Compatriots to inspect her display at the rear of the room.

Registrar Mel McCoy reported that we have 295 active members and 10 new applicants. He then called forward James Edward Blake (Hezekiah Keeler, Patriot) to be inducted into the Chapter. Compatriot McCoy also expressed the opinion that we should be able to recruit nearly a dozen new member-prospects from this month's efforts of our Chapter members at the State Fair (SAR table) at the Jane Douglas DAR House.

FCP Cliff Slagle presented the day's Americanism Program with an interesting tale of how Nathan Hale's executioner, John Andre, was himself later executed in the same manner (by hanging) under the direction of Hale's best friend.

Next on the "Bill of Fare" was FCP Art Ingalls who didn't pass the "buck" when it came to telling another humorous story.

The Secretary's Minutes of the previous meeting (having been distributed and posted on the web site) were approved by voice vote as was the Treasurer's report detailing $ 2772.04 was in the checking account and $ 8190.71 was the amount now in the Minuteman Fund. Compatriot Smith also mentioned that we had 32 SAR members attending the meeting today.

John Warterfield thanked the members that attended the September 20th DAR Constitutional Brunch and alerted President Carney of the many upcoming DAR holiday "Invitation Teas."

Guest Speaker Edward Countryman was introduced by program chairmen & 1st VP Tracy Pounders. Professor Countryman is in the Clements Department of History at Southern Methodist University. He spoke on the problems facing our new nation in the time-span between 1783 and the adoption of the Federal Constitution in 1787/88. From time to time the Distinguished Professor would call upon Compatriot Brad Nance (his former student) to agree with the presentation. After a brief question & answer session, he was presented a Certificate of Appreciation and a miniature Liberty Bell in appreciation of his speaking to us.

Ralph McDowell and Frank Pounders were serenaded by the members with the Birthday Song.

Compatriot McDowell gave a pep-talk on how members can help secure more funds for our youth awards and special projects by signing up (and using) the rebate programs at Tom Thumb, Kroger & Albertsons/Schoolpops.

President Carney announced the receipt of a $15 Thank You donation to the Chapter by the Elizabeth Denton English Chapter of DAR for Gary Sisson's recent speaking engagement.

Frank Pounders, John Morton and Bertrand Desthieux held the lucky "Door Prize" tickets for the day.

FCP Dick Arnold led the membership in the SAR Closing prior to the meeting's adjournment at 9:44 AM.

The Benediction was delivered by Chaplain Pounders.

Respectfully submitted,

Tom M. Whitelock
Secretary, Dallas Chapter