January 10, 2004

Minutes of Regular Meeting of the Dallas Chapter, TXSSAR


The meeting was called to order at 8:07AM at Crown Plaza Suites-Dallas Park Central (7800 Alpha Road, Dallas, Texas) by Chapter President Jack Carney. Chaplain Frank Pounders reported that no active member is currently on the "sick-call" list; he then proceeded to give the Invocation for the day.

Pledges of Allegiance to the United States Flag, the Texas State Flag and salute to the SAR Flag were respectively led by Compatriots: Tom Whitelock, FCP John Warterfield and Robert Coker.

1st VP Tracy Pounders led the attendees in singing America. Sergeant-at Arms, William Richardson, changed the regular order of filing out for the breakfast line, making sure that "rank & file" members got ahead of the Officers (as a New Year's treat).

The regular business portion of the meeting resumed at 8:36 AM when Head Greeter Glenn Toal acknowledged the assistance of Rick Fawkes & Gerald Tyler in welcoming members and guests this morning. Introductions of guests included Gary & Cora Wende, Joan Brown, Henrietta Slagle, Sarah Carney, Ruth Barnard, Barbara Baker, Cliff Harjo, Judy McCoy, Paul Kouts, and Montye Whitelock. New duel member and Color Guard participant, Charles Windham, was also recognized.

FCP Art Ingalls next stepped forward to remind all how to discern when they were in a Country Church. Needless to say that each "Bubba" Compatriot in attendance had no problem with Art's humorous interpretation.

After adjusting the microphone (to Dad's approval), Compatriot Tracy Pounders presented an interesting Americanism program on the 1779 historical exploits of LTC. George Rogers Clark in the defeat of British Lt. Governor Henry Hamilton at Fort Sackville in Vincennes. In part this action & the British retreat from the "Old Northwest" served as the basis of cession of these lands to the United States at the Treaty of Paris by which the Great Lakes became our northern boundary.

President Carney called on FCP Gary Sisson to make a motion for changing the March Installa-tion Meeting date to the third Saturday - 3/20/04. Motion seconded and approved by voice vote.

Frank Pounders also presented a motion for scheduling our July 75th Anniversary Celebration meeting on the evening of the 17th in order to not conflict with the dates of the NSSAR Conference during the second week. After discussion, the motion was seconded and passed by voice vote.

Registrar Mel McCoy reported that as of December 31, 2003, we have 298 active members. He also commended the committee working on getting members to pay their dues. Mel then asked William Kenneth Barnard to come forward for the formal swearing-in as the newest Chapter member. Afterwards, his wife Ruth attached the SAR lapel pin. Official photographer of the day, Barbara Baker, asked for a "photo-op" (while members in the rear of the room made light of the Secretary's attempt to do the same).

The "Silver ROTC Medal" was presented to Compatriot Wayne D. Wende. This is the first time the Chapter has presented the award to a Cadet, and he not only is the youngest Dallas member, but also came to us via the CAR. Cliff Slagle also noted that Wayne's grandfather paid for his perpetual membership as a Christmas gift, assuring his continued & long participation in the SAR.

The Secretary's Minutes of the previous meeting (having been distributed and posted on the web site) were approved by voice vote (with the one exception by perpetual "nay sayer" Bill Richardson). The Treasurer's report by Tom Smith stated that $ 2279.82 was in the checking account, Richie Fund contained $27,181.52 and $ 8203.10 was the current amount in the Minuteman Fund. He gave the President a copy of the Quarterly Report and his report was approved by voice vote. He stated that 38 members were in attendance this morning.

FCP Dick Arnold honored Compatriot Bob Coker with the promotion to Maj. General rank in the North Texas Color Guard.

FCP Ralph McDowell reported on the latest efforts of his Dues Committee and that what was over 90 non-paids has been reduced to 32. He read off a few names that he hoped attendees might recognize and help contact before National drops them from active status. Dist.VI V.P. McDowell also noted that the current TXSSAR Registrar was not planning to continue, and that State was considering having two Co-Registrars. Mel McCoy has agreed to seek one of the positions, and by acclamation the Chapter members voted to place his name in contention. State Treasurer, Cliff Slagle, mentioned that the procedure for the new joint office requires a Constitutional Bylaws change at the State level and that time was short to effect it prior to the March Convention. It may mean that one of the two individuals would serve in the capacity of "Assistant Registrar."

In further discussion of dues payments and the timing for getting them in, Compatriot Martin Lyford questioned why we were taking such a hard/fast line to which Cliff answered that if the Chapter doesn't make the push to keep our members active, National will automatically drop non-paids from the rolls. Martin explained that we stood a chance of better retention numbers if the Society would still accept payments even two or three weeks late. It becomes an accounting nightmare to record over 20,000 members by computer, let alone having 5000 + separate entries for delayed payments, Cliff replied.

2nd VP Hank Voegtle stated that we still need candidates for the Fireman & Policeman Awards as well any American History Teacher prospect. Acting Historian Whitelock commented that the final tally of Veterans Affairs points and the Annual Report would be prepared by the President this week. He also mentioned that he would be presenting the Flag Certificate (approved in December) to the Sample House Org. later today.

DAR Liaison John "Teetotaler" Warterfield reported he made it through the many Holiday Teas on behalf of the Chapter and that there remained only the Washington (Feb.) events of which Cliff volunteered to attend the Jane Douglas Chapter's, and he would visit the Greater Dallas Chapter.

Secretary Tom Whitelock read the proposed changes* to the Chapter's Constitutional Bylaws (Article VI - Section I, II, III & IV). By motion and second, Amendments were approved by voice vote (having sufficient membership in attendance for quorum) and will take effect October 2004.

Program Chairmen & 1st VP Tracy Pounders next introduced Ralph McDowell as today's speaker in the guise as Ben Franklin. For sure his words of wisdom from Poor Richard's Almanac were greatly appreciated by all, and you could see many a member nod his head in agreement as Ralph read one witty R. Saunders' comment after another. At conclusion of the program, he was presented the Chapter's Appreciation Certificate and a Liberty Bell.

The Nominating Committee, chaired by Cliff Slagle, reported the following Compatriots had been selected for the 2004 term and will be voted on at the next meeting: Tracy Pounders (President), Tom Whitelock (1st VP), Tom Smith (2nd VP), Charles Baker (Secretary), Elvin Brown (Treasurer), Mel McCoy (Registrar) and Frank Pounders (Chaplain).

Today's "Door Prizes" were won by Judy McCoy, Barbara Baker, Tom Hill & Montye Whitelock.

Bert Huls led the membership in the SAR Closing, and prior to the meeting's adjournment at 9:35 AM, the Benediction was delivered by Chaplain Pounders.

Respectfully submitted,
Tom M. Whitelock
Secretary, Dallas Chapter

* (Amendments) BYLAWS

Article VI - Section 1 A Nominating Committee shall be appointed in (October) of each year. _______________________________as Chairman.

Article VI - Section 2 The Nominating Committee shall report its nominations for Chapter Officers at the monthly meeting in (November). Other nominations may be made by members from the floor at this (November) meeting, following the report of the Nominating Committee. All nominations shall be reported in the Chapter (Newsletter) prior to the (December) meeting.

Article VI - Section 3 Chapter Officers shall be elected at the regular Chapter meeting in (December) of each year.

Article VI - Section 4 Chapter Officers as elected shall be formally installed with proper ceremony at the Chapter meeting in (January) of each year. (Their term in office will be January thru December)