July 9, 2005

Minutes of the Meeting of the Dallas Chapter


The meeting was called to order in the Bistro Room at the Crowne Plaza Suites (7800 Alpha Road Dallas, Texas) by Chapter President, Tom Whitelock who rang his Father's WWII Naval ship bell at 8:00 am sharp. He proceeded to give honor, by means of eulogy and historical comments, about Former Chapter President (1986) Pete Orlebeke who had passed away on July 4th.

Chaplain Frank Pounders reported no Compatriot on sick call but asked that we all keep FCP Orlebeke's family in our prayers and he then proceeded to give the Invocation for the day. Pete's longtime friend, Judge Nathan White, offered additional remembrance thoughts and tribute.

Pledges of Allegiance to the United States Flag, the Texas Flag and salute to the SAR Flag were respectively led by Compatriots Bob Clark, Bob Spence and Tom Smith. FCP Judge Tracy Pounders led us in the singing of "America". FCP Dick Arnold was then asked to direct the membership to the breakfast line.

After reconvening the business meeting at 8:30 am, the President announced that we had four members under the age of twenty-four in attendance today. Tom noted that our fellow Chapter in Plano had won top honors at the recent NSSAR Congress and that our own Chapter's Poster Contest entrant had won Third Place in the Nation.

1st VP Tom Smith presented the SAR Fire Safety Commendation and Medal to Dallas Fireman Jay Prigmore for his rescue of an infant from a burning automobile while he was off-duty. Head Greeter for the Day, new member Jonothan Jensen was introduced along with fellow "welcome line" greeters Herb Jones and John Morton. A total of fourteen guests were acknowledged just prior to FCP and Jokemeister Art Ingalls enliving everyone with the joke for the day.

By motion from FCP Pounders and a second from FCP Slagle, the reading of Minutes of the previous meeting (as posted on the website) were waived and approved by voice vote.

Treasurer Allen Christian reported that 34 members were in attendance and that the checking account was at $2,104.20. The Minuteman Fund had $7,865.11 and the Richie Fund was not reported (afterward $26,784.74). By Judge Pounder's motion from the floor and Compatriot Morton's second, a voice vote approved the financial report.

Chapter Registrar Mel McCoy was out of town and in his stead FCP Ralph McDowell announced that the current membership was now 292. We are striving to get our membership up to 300. FCP McDowell then asked our newly elected NSSAR Secretary General Nathan White to officiate at the installation (membership oath) of our newest members: James Albert Henderson III, whose Revolutionary War ancestor was Thomas McSpadden, and Jonothan Scott Jensen, whose Revolutionary War ancestor was James Sudduth of Virginia. New members not able to attend were John William Torrence and William Edward Torrence.

Veterans Affairs Co-Chairman Jim Fairbairn, showed the membership a "care kit" comprised of small travel toiletries that the VA Hospital needs for incoming patients. He asked that all remember to bring such items along with their magazine/books/clothing donations to each meeting. He also noted that gallon cans of coffee would also be welcome.

The President called on delegates to the recent NSSAR Congress to report on it activities. FCP Cliff Slagle, FCP Dick Arnold, TXSSAR Inland Registrar - Mike Radcliff and Sec. Gen. Nathan White commented. Compatriot Slagle announced that the Dallas Chapter had received a commendation from the National Society. Judge White also gave a report on next year's Congress in Dallas. This included possibly using private motor cars for transport to a barbecue, with buses not being used for out-of-town attendees.

CAR Liaison Judge Pounders gave a report on the CAR and noted the attendance this morning of CAR State President Wayne Wende. Compatriot Wende then gave an update on the projects and activities of the National and State CAR. President Whitelock then stated that the Dallas Chapter would purchase the first "fund raising" pin to be released for Compatriot Wende's project by the state CAR. DAR liaison Jack Carney announced that the DAR Regents Council has adjourned for the summer and they will reconvene in September. Compatriots Dick Arnold, Herbert Jones, and Robert Spence were then serenaded with Happy Birthday.

Chapter 2VP Charles Baker presented the color guard medal to two recipients who had missed last month's presentation. Those color guard medal recipients were Cliff Slagle and Tom Smith. The Color Guard members participated in three 4th of July events and also activities and presentation ceremonies on Flag Day at Valley View Mall and the VA Hospital. President Whitelock introduced First VP Tom Smith who gave an Americanism program on the subject of his recent family trip to Washington, D.C.

President Whitelock next introduced our speaker, FCP Art Ingalls, who spoke about a military chaplain during the Korean War. After his speech, he was presented with a certificate of appreciation along with a specially initialed paperweight and a humorous foot massager.

After the door prize drawing, President Whitelock led the SAR closing. It was followed by the Benediction from Chaplain Frank Pounders. The meeting was adjourned at 10:15 a.m. with one last ring of the bell.

Respectfully submitted,

Bob Clark

Secretary, Dallas Chapter