August 13, 2005

Minutes of the Meeting of the Dallas Chapter


The meeting was called to order in the Bistro Room at the Crowne Plaza Suites (7800 Alpha Road Dallas, Texas) by Chapter President, Tom Whitelock at 8:00 am sharp. He pointed out that copies of the current chapter roster were on the tables for each Compatriot and that they should review them to make sure that listed information was correct. Any needed changes should be given to the Secretary and Registrar. President Whitelock also mentioned that each member was eligible for a special prize drawing if they would fill out the “Bio” form in front of them. He proceeded to request biographical information be supplied to him for inclusion in the upcoming second volume of the history of the Texas Society SAR.

Chaplain Frank Pounders reported no Compatriot on sick call and he then proceeded to give the Invocation for the day.

Pledges of Allegiance to the United States Flag, the Texas Flag and salute to the SAR Flag were respectively led by Compatriots David Navorska, DA Sharpe, and Grady Fairbairn. FCP Judge Tracy Pounders led us in the singing of "America". Jim Templin was then asked to direct the membership to the breakfast line to which he proceeded to do. During breakfast, there was a musical interlude.

After reconvening the business meeting at 8:30 am, while the Compatriots finished their breakfast, the President recognized the Head Greeter, Rick Fawkes. A total of nineteen guests were acknowledged, including prospective members David Bender, Randy Jones, Michael Petridis and Al Sloan. Also three members of the Blaine L. Wilhoite Sr. Chapter in Irving, Texas were recognized. Two DARs were present from the Bluebonnet Chapter to invite our members to the DARC Constitution Brunch on September 17, 2005. They were Regent Berneece Harden and Whitney Thomas. FCP and Jokemeister Art Ingalls enlivened everyone with the joke for the day.

By motion from FCP Tracy Pounders and a second from Chaplain Frank Pounders, the reading of Minutes of the previous meeting (as posted on the website) were waived and approved by voice vote. There was then an announcement by the Secretary of the October 8, 2005 national convention in Dallas of the Aztec Club, a lineage society formed by the officers of the Mexican War.

Treasurer Allen Christian reported that 32 members were in attendance and that the checking account was at $1,415.41. The Minuteman Fund had $7,900.27 and the Richie Fund was $26,804.74. By Judge Pounder's motion from the floor and Compatriot D.A. Sharpe’s second, a voice vote approved the financial report. Treasurer Christian then reported proceeds to our chapter from Safeway/Tom Thumb, and Kroger for their loyalty shoppers program. He asked the members to consider registering with those stores for the SAR and shopping with them.

Chapter Registrar Mel McCoy was not present and in his stead FCP Ralph McDowell announced that the current membership was now about 293. We are striving to get our membership up to 300. FCP McDowell officiated at the installation (membership oath) of our newest member, the Rev. Dale Garmen. He was assisted by FCP Art Ingalls, the Rev. Col. Ralph Smith and Chaplain Frank Pounders.

Veterans Affairs Co-Chairman Grady Fairbairn, then asked that all remember to bring such items as magazines/books/clothing donations to each meeting. He also noted that gallon cans of coffee would also be welcome. The President then made a plea for members to obtain Revolutionary War uniforms and join the Color Guard. FCP Dick Arnold then passed on Secretary General White’s request for a muster of 100 Texas members at next July’s national convention in Dallas. He also announced that the national meeting will have a full-sized cannon and liberty bell. FCP Cliff Slagle then reported on the need for volunteers for the SAR table at the DAR House during the upcoming State Fair. He gave out forms for members to fill out with availability from September 30-October 23. DAR liaison FCP Jack Carney announced that the Dallas Area Regents Council was inviting us to their Constitution Brunch on September 17, 2005.

President Whitelock gave a report on the recent Tex. Soc. Board of Managers meeting including their efforts to expand membership. He also announced that the chapter would obtain from the Texas Society free JROTC medals after purchasing an allotment of 12 for our chapter. President Whitelock was also announced as the new District 6 TXSSAR Vice President.

CAR Liaison Judge Pounders gave a report on the CAR and noted the attendance this morning of CAR State President Wayne Wende. Compatriot Wende then gave an update on the projects and activities of the National and State CAR. The Dallas Chapter then proceeded to purchase the first "fund raising" pin released for Compatriot Wende’s project by the state CAR. The members then commenced purchasing the pins.

President Whitelock introduced FCP Ralph McDowell, who gave a certificate of appreciation to John Housewright and his Scout Troop 890 for assisting us at the 4th of July parade in Lake Highlands. FCP McDowell gave an Americanism program on the subject of the Declaration of Independence.

First Vice President Tom Smith next introduced our speaker, Lara Seaberge, who spoke about costumes (clothing) and uniforms of the 18th Century in America. She was assisted by her husband Larry. After the speech, they were presented with a certificate of appreciation along with a special CAR pin and a replica of the Liberty Bell.

After the door prize drawing, members were reminded of the DAR Constitution Brunch and to purchase the CAR pin. The Benediction by Chaplain Pounders was followed by the SAR Closing led by President Whitelock, who adjourned the meeting at 10:13 a.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Bob Clark

Secretary, Dallas Chapter