May 18, 2006

A meeting of the Lt. Nathan Gann Chapter, S. A. R., was held at 7 PM Thursday, May 18, 2006 at the Golden Corral Restaurant in Lufkin, Texas. Members and guests arrived after 6 PM to eat prior to the meeting.

Members attending were: Fred Preston, Fred Hutson, Tom Gann, Neal Naranjo, Vance Roberts, Lester Sparks and Fred Jacobs. Members then introduced their guests which  were Betty Preston, Honora Jacobs, Jasper Lee, Agnes Hutson, Sue Roberts, Mildred Sparks, Sam and Mary Griffin, Vicki Gann, Martin Netherland, DAR Stella Frances Naranjo, Jennings Neal Naranjo II., Andrew Lannen (History Professor, SFA), Ray Spivey and his wife Bessie Spivey, our speaker Joe Deason and his wife Frances Deason.   In total there were 7 members and 17 guests.

President Fred Preston called the meeting to order and Lester Sparks gave the invocation. Fred Preston led the assemblage in the pledge to the U.S. Flag and the SAR Flag all standing and in unison.

Neal Naranjo made a motion to accept the minutes as mailed out and posted on the web page, Fred Jacobs seconded. Motion carried.

Jeff Corbett was absent so there was no treasurers report. (Money Market Acct. $6763.21 and checking as of 4/10/06 $210.82.)

Under OLD BUSINESS: Preston reported that Certificates of Appreciation were awarded at Pineywoods Academy on April 17th. The winners who had previously received their monetary awards and certificates at our March meeting, were given Blue, Red and White Ribbons at this time. Duane Hedberg, History Teacher, and Lisa Lee, Art Teacher, were both present. A total of 10 students participated.

Presentation to Pineywoods Academy on April 17th.

On April 26th, Fred Preston and Tom Gann presented Certificates and monetary awards at St. Cyprians School. Winners were Anna Alvis, Bailey Watson and Haley Squiers. They were awarded $25, $15 and $10 respectively. There were also a total of 10 students participating.

Presentation to St. Cyprians Episcopal School. Students, Dana Skinner teacher, Preston on the left and Tom Gann on the right.

Preston pointed out the difficulty of getting schools to participate. Hudson and Brookhollow Elementary were both contacted and neither participated, "too busy with the TAKS test".

NEW BUSINESS: Continuing with the Poster Contest, it was suggested that we get an early start and look for more schools. The subject for 2006/2007 will be "Yorktown". For future awards, Neal Naranjo made a motion that the award be $25, $15 and $10 for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners of each school. Tom Gann seconded, motion carried.

Preston also announced that we are getting a lot of activity in regard to new members. Martin Netherland from Huntington has his application ready to be mailed. Dr. Gary McClinton of Nacogdoches submitted his application about a month ago, Ray Spivey also has his application ready to be submitted. Jasper Lee presented his rough draft and supporting documents to be put on the official water marked paper. Thornton Savage moved from Nacogdoches to Pinecrest and he will be transferring to our chapter from the Fredonia Chapter. Thornton is currently in Memorial Hospital but we hope to see him at our September meeting. Sam Griffin is still struggling with his application - maybe one of these days. The Nacogdoches chapter is struggling but their president Lewis Brown thinks he can get it together, if not we could have more new members. John Williams of St. Augustine could also join our group soon, believe he is retiring this year.

At this time Preston called on Jennings Neal Naranjo to introduce the speaker, Joe Deason. Joe was from a large family but he obtained a good education, graduating with honors from Prairie View A&M University with a BS Degree in Elementary Education and a minor in history. In 1972 he earned a Masters Degree from Prairie View A&M in guidance and counseling. He then earned his mid-management certification from SFA in 1985. He is a veteran, serving in the army as a tank platoon leader in South Vietnam. He has been a teacher, football and basketball coach, counselor, assistant principal and principal. He was principal of the Lufkin Middle school which was the largest middle school in Texas. After just 3 years it was recognized.

Joe talked about the history of education from revolutionary times to the present and pointed out some of the problems. He indicated that legislators had tried to make morally correct decisions but they don't always work out for the best. Most legislators are not taught how to make good laws like teachers are taught to educate or how doctors are trained. Busing children to other schools was a traumatic experience for both black and white children and may not have been the best way to go. He pointed out the differences in how some children are lucky to get their diapers changed or to get a good meal while other children are being taught their ABC's and counting. Consequently some children are off to a much faster start in school. His point is that the family has to support their children, the school can't do it all. Joe has four children of his own and three have graduated from college. It can be done.

After the talk, Preston thanked Joe for a fine talk and then called Neal Naranjo to the front again. Neal talked about Joe's accomplishments and then pinned a Silver Good Citizenship Medal on Joe. President Preston presented the Certificate for the Good Citizenship award. None of the long time members can remember giving this award before


Neal Naranjo pinning Medal on Joe Deason
Jennings Neal Naranjo pinning Good Citizenship Medal on Joe Deason.

Neal Naranjo, Frances Deason, Joe Deason and Fred Preston
L to R: Jennings Neal Naranjo, Frances Deason, Joe Deason and Fred Preston.

Prospective new members, Ray and Bessie Spivey
Ray and Bessie Spivey. Application ready to mail.


After this, Preston asked members and guests to put their name badges in the box by the door when they left, thanked everyone for attending. He then asked everyone to stand and he led the Closing Admonition. He then asked for a motion to adjourn. It was so moved by Tom Gann and seconded by Fred Jacobs.

The meeting was adjourned at approximately 8 PM.  

Respectfully submitted,

Fred Preston, President